Student Health Services is located on the first floor of the Wellness and Recreation Center at West Campus. The main entrance to SHS is through the side doors located near the softball field. The Bobcat ID card is required to utilize services in the clinic. Limited parking is available at the main clinic entrance. Students should bring their insurance card to every clinic visit.
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Monday- Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The last appointment is scheduled at 4:15. The clinic is closed on weekends and holidays.
If medical attention is needed when the clinic is not open, Atrium Navicent Baldwin ER is located very close by campus on Cobb Street. There is also three local urgent cares. Med Plus Immediate Care is located at 1909 N. Columbia Street and can be reached at 478-295-3000. Main Street Family Care is located at 2531 N. Columbia Street and can be reached at 478-387-2097. Peachtree Immediate Care is located at 1720 N. Columbia Street and can be reached at 478-387-0049. These facilities are not associated with Georgia College.